When and where will you launch?

Soon! Stay updated by subscribing to our list serve. Our product will be sold on www.lovemoovn.com.

Is your product lactose free?

We know plenty of people have an aversion to lactose in their foods, which is why we use lactose-free milk to make our product more accessible to lactose-sensitive customers. Our protein powder contains less than 1% of lactose, which is derived from whey protein.

How does your product have real milk in it?

The milk in our protein powder is 100% real milk that has been dehydrated and filtrated to create a lactose-free dry milk powder. Just add water to our product for the nutrition and smoothness you find in liquid milk, plus more.

Is the milk from cows that are pasture-raised?

Yes, we source our milk from cows that are non-GMO and pasture-raised with primarily grass-fed diets. They are also free from rBST hormones.

Do your products contain erythritol?

Nope! Moovn products do not contain erythritol.

What is your product’s shelf life?

Our products have a shelf life of months, but will have the optimal condition if left in cool storage areas.

Is your product food safe?

Absolutely. We take food safety very seriously and manufacture our product at an FDA-compliant facility that ensures thorough quality and safety testing is conducted.

I’m interested in getting involved! How do I learn more?

Please email us at info@lovemoovn.com. We’d love to hear from you.